How a man landed interviews after dropping one letter from his name

Jose Vs. Joe
Jose Vs. Joe

Here's what happened when one man on a job hunt decided to Anglicize his name on his resume -- from José to Joe.

José told BuzzFeed that when he dropped the "s" from his name, "That's when all the responses started to come in. I was applying for the exact same jobs, the exact same resume, the exact same experience. Just a different name."

José Zamora says he was sending out as many as 100 applications a day for months with no responses whatsoever. That's when he got the idea to drop the S in José. And - well - you heard what he told BuzzFeed happened after that: He got job offers.

While the results were startling, the idea is not completely new.

Study after studyhas suggested that those with "white-sounding" names get more callbacks than ethnic-sounding ones.

Though to date, much of that conversation has focused on challenges faced by applicants with so-called "black names."

A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found white-sounding names like Emily and Greg got 50 percent more callbacks.

Now of course a callback isn't a job offer, and it's difficult to find studies that looked at who actually got the job. Plus, the studies most media outlets (this one included) just referenced are more than 10 years old. But critics say the findings - and Zamora's experience - show racial discrimination in hiring is still a problem.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' most recent reports put white unemployment in America at 4.7 percent for men over 20 years old and black unemployment for the same group at 10.1 percent. For Hispanics, that number is 6.5 percent.

To assign a single reason for that -- such as name -- would obviously be a gross oversimplification.

And as Pew has noted, sociologists and economists haven't landed on a consensus to explain the disparity.

Zamora, for his part, has said his goal is to start a conversation about conscious - and subconscious - racial discrimination in hiring.

José Becomes Joe: Does Hiring Discrimination Still Exist?
José Becomes Joe: Does Hiring Discrimination Still Exist?

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